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5. Network Setup

5.1 Permanent Network Configuration

Interface configuration

The interfaces are configured in:


An example configuration looks like:

# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
# The loopback interface
# automatically added when upgrading
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The first network card - this entry was created during the
# Debian installation automatically added when upgrading
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
    netmask 255.255.255.

Use man interfaces for more options.

Use ifup to activate an interface and ifdown to stop it. Like:

ifup eth0

5.2 Hostname configuration

The hostname configuration can be found in:


5.3 ISDN configuration


apt-get install isdn-bare ipppd isdnlog isdnlog-data


The Debian ISDN configuration can be found in:


Start modconf and select isdn to configure isdn then select the module (e.g. isdn/hisax).

The isdnlog configuration needs a country code (like 31, for The Netherlands) and an areacode without the leading 0. Amsterdam would be 20 in stead of 020.

In /etc/isdn/isdn.conf the PRESELECT is set to 55, which is KPN if you would like another preselect carrier change it here.

In isdn.isdnctrl0 set monitor=yes to be able to use e.g. imon to see what is if lines are dialing.

Run isdnconfig and select for each device: select 1 ippp0, names ippp0

edit /etc/isdn/device.ippp0

edit /etc/isdn/ipppd.ippp0

Default ippp0 sets the default route within Debian. To prevent this from happening you could adjust several sripts, but it is far easier to not use ippp0, but start at ippp1 if you don't want the default route to be set by ISDN.

Test the ISDN network


isdnctrl dial ippp0

to force the dialing of ippp1, then use imon and /var/log/messages to monitor what is going on.

5.4 Configuration of ADSL

This is completely provider dependend.

5.5 Test the network

Check with ping if all network interfaces are active and setup allright.

ping -c 2 <em>ip-address

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